Ron Cooper
Ron Cooper
Making photographs that celebrate humanity

I am a travel, documentary and portrait photographer based in Denver, Colorado. I travel extensively in pursuit of images that reflect local cultures and people. My emphasis in recent years has been on portraiture with the objective of introducing viewers to the people I meet and photograph at home and around the world. My photographs are intended to convey a sense of place, personality and emotion. I've been privileged to meet and photograph people in many different places -- on five continents and across diverse geographies, cultures and ways of life. While my photographs document the many differences in appearance, dress, culture, faith and way of life, I hope they also convey the fact that our similarities and “connectedness” as humans far outweigh those superficial differences.
Since 2015, my work has been exhibited in more than 25 juried group shows in the United States and Europe receiving Best in Show, Best Portrait, Director's Choice, Artistic Excellence and Honorable Mention awards. I have presented four solo exhibitions and my photographs have been published in consumer magazines, newspapers and photography journals. I've published two books: We Are Santa and Celebrating Humanity.
Instagram @roncooperphotography