RPS Visual Art Group Members’ Exhibition 2023
RPS Visual Art Group Members’ Exhibition 2023
2nd – 30th September 2023

The Visual Art Group is the second largest of the RPS special interest groups with roots going back to 1921 through our predecessor, the Pictorial Group. These days we have nearly a thousand members, many of them overseas.
The Group holds an annual print exhibition which is shown at various locations around the UK.
The 2023 Members’ prints will also be published as part of the Visual Art Magazine. If you would like a copy, please contact Mark Deutsch LRPS mrkdeutsch@aol.com for details.
Martin Addison FRPS
Philip Joyce FRPS
Viveca Koh FRPS
More information about the exhibition and the Visual Art Group
Philip Joyce FRPS Award—Midnight At Panamint Springs by Hunter Johnson LRPS