About Us
Our surroundings affect our well-being; everyone wants to feel good in their space. Whether you need inspiration and energy or peace and tranquility, visual art enriches your life like nothing else can.
A beautiful artwork reflects who you are and who you want to be, and serves as a tangible reminder of a life lived well.
Our Photography Gallery in Leamington Spa

Gallery Photiq is an independent gallery of fine art photography and photo-based mixed media fine art based in Park Street, Royal Leamington Spa. We showcase a wide range of photographic fine art available for purchase and host a full schedule of art-related events. We also provide fine art printing services for photographers and artists. For our fine art photography gallery, Leamington Spa is a perfect home—there is widespread support for the local arts and a thriving creative community. Our location in the Midlands makes it convenient to visit from all parts of the UK.
Gallery Photiq is a trading name of Nat Coalson Ltd. and primarily features the work of Nathaniel (Nat) Coalson ARPS. Nat is an internationally-acclaimed artist and author working in photography and photography-based mixed media. He is also an Associate of the Royal Photographic Society and a popular speaker and photographic consultant who maintains working partnerships with other leading entities in the photographic field.
Several other photographic artists from around the world also have permanent representation with the gallery, including Ron Cooper (United States). Photiq hosts ongoing temporary exhibitions by guest photographers and produces exhibitions by leading international photographic artists. In addition, group exhibitions highlight the photography of numerous artists based in the UK and around the globe.
Fine art photography gallery in Leamington Spa
For a photography gallery, Leamington Spa is a perfect fit. Photiq’s ultimate mission is to serve as a centre for the photographic arts in the Midlands and the UK. With a location easily accessible from both London and Birmingham, the gallery also leverages Coalson’s established relationships with British photography clubs, organisations and suppliers to the photographic industry.
Chief among these is Coalson’s ongoing collaboration with Epson UK, the leading manufacturer of photographic printers used in the fine arts. Studio Photiq (the printing and publishing division of the company) provides fine art digital printing and imaging services for photographers and artists seeking high-quality fine art prints.
Additionally, the gallery hosts an extensive calendar of events including classes and workshops covering a wide range of topics for photographers and artists, plus talks from guest artists and seminars which are free and open to the public.
Photiq is proud to serve as the leading independent photography gallery in Leamington Spa and the UK!

We’re the owners, Nat and Ruth Coalson, a husband-and-wife team with nearly seventy combined years working in the creative sector. Ruth manages business development, nurtures our client relationships and handles legal and finance. Nat is an acclaimed photographer, designer and digital artist with expertise in production across all media, from print to video and web.
When you work with us you can be assured of the best results available anywhere, along with personal service and a smile!